6 weeks- bun in oven

Well, I didn’t think I was pregnant due to my normal premenstrual crabbiness and my tender titties- the only difference was that I was super crabby and super tender and yes, I am pregnant. I feel a little like a super hero with my super sense of smell and my super sensitive mood that can switch on an off like a person with multiple personalities. I also seem to get away with too much with my husband because of this little bun in my oven- my side kick for the time being. And there is something working hard down there, below my tummy and above my bladder, like little Keebler elves baking cookies in my uterus. Working tireless all day and all night mixing and kneading dough and prepping the oven. Too bad I don’t smell like a bakery.

Suddenly I am clueless about what to do and not to do-especially NOT to do. Every time I get an ant bite, I think I’m going to have a half ant half human baby. This whole chemistry project in my uterus is crazy, because all of a sudden you have to follow these weird set of rules, and they vary slightly depending on opinion- totally sci-fi if you ask me. And I’m not even going to approach the subject of bringing life into the world. I have a little less than 9 months to contemplate that whopper. Mmm...whoppers...

Finding information quickly from a verified source is a journey in it self. After taking the pregnancy pee stick test, it’s a waiting game. It’s a don’t-tell-anyone-till-we-know-it’s-safe game. Your first visit isn’t until 8-10 weeks out- and in between that time there is a whole universe of questions that you have to find on your own. And now- only 6 weeks pregnant, I don’t feel particularly pregnant, besides the Keebler elves hard at work down there, I have no morning sickness or constipation, I do however pee a lot (which makes road trips tricky)  and contemplate how I will tell my family this news. And yet after waiting so long, it seems like it would be easy to say nothing and let the stomach do the telling.

Side note: Right now this bump on my tummy is my fat bump even though I pretend it’s a baby bump and I’m curious how it will spread as I gain baby weight. I kinda wish my baby would eat my fat- that would be ideal…

8 weeks-

At first not telling was kind of nice…now almost 2 months pregnant, I’m aching to tell my family so the excitement can spread and fill me with hope and love. It’s a little depressing not saying anything. I’m choosing not to say anything until I know that the baby is O.K. and my first appointment isn’t until next week. In fact I haven’t really come to grips that I am having a baby. Right now I’m just pregnant, which means for me that my breasts are inflated and tender and my belly is bloated and gassy-I’m like a swelling balloon-and by the time 9pm comes along I get all giddy because in 45 minutes I will be fast asleep bear gripping my pillow.

I was in Savers the other day and I dared to look at the baby clothes. Since I haven’t told anyone yet, I felt like I was cheating. And yet here at home I have been slowly preparing- clearing out my art room making way for my opus- my newest creation, a collaboration of sorts. Busting my ass trying to get the rocks on the side of the house cleared out, before I get too big to haul. I’m even going to try and finish painting the back porch and eves….wish me luck on that one.

Andy and I are both in suspension, just waiting for time to go by until our first prenatal visit, meanwhile skirting questions from both our mom’s and family. My aunt just became a grandma of twins and her jubilee has rubbed off on my mom to a degree of pestering. Grandma envy. And on top of that, one of the problems I have is the feeling that I’m riding off my cousins’ wave of pregnancy.  As though I got pregnant because she did-which to be clear is not the case. When you are in your 30’s and you want a family time is ticking by quickly. I am hoping however, that the benefit of coming in second will be good hand-me-downs…(fingers crossed)
So for two months now life has been boring on the surface, and yet underneath a torrent of emotional storms.

10 weeks.

Now I am in week mode- a new time language my midwife says i have to learn. After our first prenatal visit we came away with little information but a nice introduction to the facility and we walked out with a big decision to make. By the time the first visit came along, I had already found out most of my immediate queries by one way or the other. We soon realized that not telling people is kinda pointless. The bottom line is won’t know if the baby is O.K. till much later- and that is not even a guarantee. So what’s the point of not telling? By sharing our news we soon gain a circle of support from our family and friends. What happens, good or bad, I would rather face knowing there are people who care about my situation and support and pray for me rather than to carry that burden alone.


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