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The summer ended with a torrent of storms. It was as though even the desert was sick and tired of the heat- it chased summer out with hard rain even the thirsty ground couldn’t keep up with the pounding water- we were all drowning in a glory of water. It took 4 days of rain to kick summer out of the season.

Inside my little house, my little life, the rain drummed on my little rooftop- clickity clak, clickity clak, clickity clak.

Where do the bee’s go when it rains? The hummingbirds’ glory in its aftermath, the birds shake off the rain and reappear, and if their beaks could smile they would. The cacti swell in pride the rain keeps them satisfied till spring. If I could only capture all this water efficiently like the cactus, to be able to store it and use all of it- this gold of the desert.

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