In the beginning, I remembered you always
In the middle you were hazy but still there
And now, in the present you are changed
Or I am changed

We are divided completely

Time and place captured us like a photo in an album
And besides a few straggling memories
Our friendship can only be cataloged between
Specific dates in the time line of our lives

You wanted something from me
And I wanted something from you
And but for a brief moment in time
We ended up with nothing but ourselves

I look back and think how foolish I was
To hold on to you and the idea of you for so long-
But am thankful that
I eventually let go

When I look at you now
And think of you then,
I see that you were still growing
Changing into the person you wanted to be
And not into the being I thought you would be

And maybe you think the same of me

And so we stand ourselves on separate sides of the road
You looking and me and me looking at you
The distance of time and place
Dividing us completely

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